Thank you for visiting our portfolio!

Our site features hand crafted smoking pipes and accessories made from the finest materials with an eye on a smooth, cool, and healthy smoke. Check back often as we bring new pieces out of the workshop on a weekly basis!

To purchase our pieces, see our shop on eBay!

See Our Matching Hardwood Smoking Kits
  • Creating artisan crafted smoking pipes, water pipe sliders and Hoppers.

    Artisan Crafted

    Each piece we make is unique. No two are the same. Our goal is to turn an eccentric eye toward what we are creating: pieces that are unique in their flare and high in their quality. To meet the artists and the studio, click here.

  • We use vintage Italian Briarwood, the number one choice for smoking pipes.

    Vintage Italian Briar

    Our pipes are made from Italian Briarwood, considered for the past 200 plus years as the ultimate wood from which to smoke. For more information on the reason for this, click here.

  • Exotic hardwood polished beautifully help us highlight our designs.

    Colorful Hardwoods

    Our designs combine colorful and exotic hardwoods, including regal Purpleheart, deep red Padauk, fine grained Walnut, black and brown grained Wenge, and many more. For more info on our favorite materials, click here.

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